“Problems on a worldwide scale often appear overwhelming. To combat this, we must focus on making a positive impact on our small corner of the universe. And that is where Connecticut Community Foundation comes in.” —VALERIE FRIEDMAN, WASHINGTON More than anything, Valerie Friedman loves figuring out how to help people solve problems. As a successful financial planner, she often advises her clients on how best to share their investment successes with causes that resonate. For her, those causes are environmental issues, women’s reproductive choice and the welfare of animals, and Valerie has often been a driving force—tenacious, inspirational and vocal—for positive change on the issues she cares deeply about. Her generosity reflects her passions and her wish to leave a legacy that will benefit the community forever. “I direct my own giving now, but planning for what happens after my death is important to me,” said Valerie. “When I’m no longer here, the Foundation will make sure that my contributions accomplish my intentions.” One fund she established at the Foundation and will fund through her estate will benefit projects that sustain the environment, and another, unrestricted fund will allow the Foundation to make grants to address pressing needs in the community. Portions of both funds will be endowed permanently. True to Valerie’s lifelong interests, grants in her name will be given to myriad nonprofit organizations whose causes she supports—and always will. Photo by Dorian Mode Photography