
A Special Workshop for Faith Leaders: Helping Your Congregation Meet the Challenges of Aging
December 4, 2019 @ 10:30 am - 12:45 pm
A Special Workshop for Faith Leaders: Helping Your Congregation Meet the Challenges of Aging
Wednesday, December 4
10:30 a.m. to 12: 45 p.m.
Grace Baptist Church
65 Kingsbury Street, Waterbury, CT 06702
Many clergy members face issues related to the aging of their congregants. Are you prepared to help them navigate these waters? Congregants may seek your help and direction as they tackle challenges ranging from caregiving to finding community resources to end of life decisions. However, you may not feel as knowledgeable or as prepared as you would like to be.
Connecticut Community Foundation has developed a focus on aging through the Pathways for Older Adults initiative and we have been offering educational workshops for professionals in aging since 2013. This is the first workshop specifically for faith leaders.
Program highlights:
- The program begins with a brief overview of the aging of our society and how changing demographics will permanently impact the work that you do.
- Most people want to age in their homes and communities and may need help in locating community resources. We will review the types of services available and where you can refer people for the assistance they need.
- Many family members face caregiving responsibilities. The workshop will introduce family caregiver dynamics and resources so that you can better support congregant caregivers.
A few more details:
- The workshop is offered free of charge and lunch will be provided; advance registration is required.
- The format will be interactive with opportunity to ask questions or raise issues that you are seeing in your work. Suggestions for future programs are also welcome.
- The program will be facilitated by Donna Fedus, gerontologist and founder of Borrow My Glasses, a gerontology education company. Donna brings 30 years of experience, a passion for her work and a strong interest in discussing aging issues with faith leaders.