Building Resilience in a Technology Dependent World
January 25, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, January 25 6-8 p.m. • B’nai Israel • 444 Main Street N, Southbury
Explore pressing concerns about technology and constant device use at the first Women’s Giving Circle event of 2024. Uncover the intricacies of this emerging public health issue, from dwindling attention spans to chronic sleep deprivation and strained relationships.
This interactive gathering will explore cutting-edge research on the impact of devices in our lives and families. Discover practical strategies to reduce device dependency and embrace a more active, authentic presence in your daily life.
Spark young imaginations by bringing a new children’s book or board game to donate—it’s a small gesture that can make a big difference in a young person’s world!
About our guest speaker:
Eileen Fenn Bouffard began her career in education in the Mississippi Delta as a Teach for America corps member. Following her two-year service commitment, Eileen continued her involvement with Teach for America in various capacities, including program director in the Connecticut region and school director at the Philadelphia Training Institute. She has completed graduate study at Boston College and Teachers’ College. Following many years of directing the Teaching Fellowships program at Taft, Eileen assumed the English department chair position in Fall 2020. She is currently pursuing doctoral study in educational leadership at the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut. Eileen is passionate about inspiring teenagers to reflect and think critically about their device use and media consumption and has presented at a number of conferences on this topic.
Check out these suggested pre-reads for the discussion:
Discussion Topic 1 – Parenting in the world of social media and technology:
- So Your Tween Wants a Smartphone? NPR
- No One Knows Exactly What Social Media Is Doing to Teens, The Atlantic
Discussion Topic 2 – Overcoming the negative effects of technology/social media: