When to Give
You can establish and build your fund in the ways that work best with your financial and estate plans.
Gifts during your lifetime
An outright gift during your lifetime is a wonderful way to express your charitable interests and put your assets to work in the community right away. You may give to establish a new fund, contribute to an existing fund or finance special initiatives supported by Connecticut Community Foundation.
Gifts through your estate plan
You may establish or add to a fund through a bequest in your will or a trust. You may specify a fixed dollar amount, a percentage of assets, or particular assets identified in your estate documents. If giving through a bequest, we encourage you or your attorney to speak with us so that your legal documents make it clear how you want us to use your gift.
Life income gifts
With a life income gift, you make a gift that benefits the community, and also takes care of you or your loved ones with an income stream. A life income gift may also entitle you to tax savings. We can work with you or your professional advisor on life income gifts: Charitable Gift Annuity: In exchange for your outright gift today, Connecticut Community Foundation agrees by contract to pay a fixed dollar amount to you or another individual you name every year, for the rest of your life. You tell us what charitable work you would like to support with the money that remains after your death. Charitable Remainder Trust: You establish a trust from which you or any beneficiaries you name receive either a fixed dollar amount or variable payments every year for life or for a specified number of years. After that period, the trust assets that remain pass to Connecticut Community Foundation to use for charitable purposes you have defined. Charitable Lead Trust: Charitable lead trusts can be beneficial to donors who want to transfer substantial assets to their children or others, reduce gift or estate taxes, and make a charitable gift that benefits the community. When you establish a charitable lead trust, Connecticut Community Foundation receives income during your lifetime or for a period of years and applies it to charitable efforts according to your instructions. When the trust term ends, the remaining assets are transferred to individual beneficiaries you name.
What to Give
You can establish or contribute to a fund at Connecticut Community Foundation by donating current or deferred assets. In addition to gifts of cash and marketable securities (publicly traded stocks, bonds and shares of mutual funds), we accept gifts of complex assets, including the following:
- Retirement fund assets including IRA and 401(k) funds
- Life insurance
- Real estate
- Personal property
- Closely held or restricted stock
- Business or partnership interests