Chore Services Deliver Safety and Peace of Mind for New Milford’s Older Residents
“Do you know anybody who could rake my leaves?”It was late October 2016, and Leonardo Ghio’s elderly client kept calling him.And calling him.Ghio, municipal agent/senior adviser for New [...]
Connecting Nature and Health Through Catchafire
For small nonprofits with limited resources, finding quality, affordable professional services is hard. And finding volunteers who can provide those services for free is even harder. [...]
Connecticut Legal Services: “Catchafire can help us go from good to great…”
Earlier this year, Connecticut Community Foundation introduced an exciting capacity-building tool for local nonprofit organizations: Catchafire. A powerful, national online platform, Catchafire connects skilled volunteers with nonprofits [...]
Generosity Overflows for Sarah Gager
Sarah Gager’s decades-long philanthropic journey started with dirty water. As she globetrotted through countries including Jamaica and Denmark, Germany and Bermuda and small villages in Mexico, Gager [...]
Waterbury’s Juneteeth: Inspiring Cultural Pride to Improve Communities
Sean Mosley was only five or six years old, but he remembers those Saturday mornings going door-to-door with his parents to various Waterbury neighborhoods, registering people to [...]
Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries: Feeding Community
The line starts forming as early as 4 a.m. at the food pantry run by Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM). It’s the last Monday of the month, [...]
Connecticut Community Foundation Trustees Recognize Innovation and Collaboration with 2018 Awards to Community Groups
Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries (GWIM) and the Waterbury Juneteenth Celebration Committee are the recipients of the 2018 Trustee Fund Award, an honor created by current [...]
“We are energized and activated”
Women’s Giving Circle, Aiming to Improve Lives of Women and Girls in Greater Waterbury and the Litchfield Hills, Awards First Grants The Women’s Giving Circle at Connecticut [...]
Dean Jair Andrade: His Future Shines as Bright as His Love of Naugatuck
Naugatuck's future mayor? We hope so! Meet Dean Jair Andrade of Naugatuck. You'll see why the future is bright if young people like him lead our communities. For the [...]
Naugatuck Valley Community College Students: “They’ve got grit.”
The grant request raised eyebrows and spoke volumes: community college students in Waterbury needed a food pantry. Sarah Gager, dean of student services at Naugatuck Valley Community [...]
Waterbury Middle Schoolers are Engineering Their Futures
Could they program their robot to flush a toilet? It was a wintry Saturday morning in February, and dozens of middle school boys and girls, their parents [...]
Lighting a Path Through Darkness for Puerto Ricans
As Hurricanes Irma and Maria ravaged Puerto Rico in September 2017, profound fear and anguish reverberated all the way to Greater Waterbury and the Litchfield Hills. The [...]
The Healing Power of Art
An art show would seem to be the last thing on someone’s mind when departing the confines of a mental health treatment center after weeks or months. [...]
Where There’s No Shortage of New Opportunities
January 1, 1984. That’s when Mary-Kate Gill, director of elder services, and Lisa Labonte, director of senior nutrition services, began working together at New Opportunities, a social [...]
Helping Naugatuck Children Grow Up to be Healthy, Safe and Successful Learners
If you ask Jill Mahoney about her organization, the Naugatuck Partnership for Children, be prepared to listen for a while. That’s because working with dozens of partners [...]