Since 1923, generous, community-minded people like you have made legacy gifts to the Foundation. One hundred years later – and long after these donors have passed – we are still honoring their intentions and making annual grants to the causes they specified. Meet your generous neighbors, listen to their stories, and learn how we can build tomorrow together.
There are several ways you can help chart a course for future generations in Greater Waterbury and Litchfield Hills!
- Naming the Foundation in your will or living trust
- Designating the Foundation as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan, or investment account
- Making the Foundation the beneficiary of your life insurance policy
- Forever impact – Giving through the Foundation has impact that lasts. We promise that we will always honor donors’ intent.
- Staff wisdom on 1) local issues and the nonprofits most effectively tackling the issues and 2) giving options to maximize tax advantages.
- Experience – Nearly 100 years helping people met their charitable visions.
- The power of together – investing resources together creates a greater philanthropic force to solve local problems.
- Sound financial stewardship – ensures that the Foundation’s grantmaking is sustainable over time.
Let us help you craft giving strategies that maximize community impact, connect philanthropic values across generations, and maximize tax advantages to ensure that as many dollars as possible flow to the organizations and causes you care about most. As a legacy donor you can depend on our knowledge of the community and the organizations and programs that serve it. You can trust in our long history of responsible investment, financial stewardship and grantmaking.
- Special communications
- Invitations to events
- Recognition on website and annual reports
- That great feeling knowing you are supporting the nonprofits you love forever
Doris Abramson*
Joel Abramson
Eleanor Akers
Elizabeth Andersen*
Nina Andersen*
Helen Angevine*
Marian Baeder*
Fred Baker
Harold E. Baker*
Charles Barlow*
Michael Baumrind
Susan Beatty
Lawrence Behr*
Susan Beris
Lillian Berland*
Max Berland*
Martha Bernstein
Robert Bernstein
Kathy Bower
Bertha Brod*
Robert Brod*
Christopher Brooks
David Brooks
Ann Burton
Miriam Camp*
Nancy Camp*
Orton Camp, Jr.*
Daniel Caron
Craig Carragan*
George Chadakoff*
Helen Chadakoff*
Merrilee Chamberlain
Frederick Chesson
Pete Chiesa
William Cohen, MD
Alice Cruikshank
Richard Cullen*
Robert Curtis
Isabelle V. Curtiss
Priscilla Dannies
Robert Dannies, Jr.
Joyce DeCesare
Anne Delo*
David DeNicolo
Bart DePetrillo*
Barbara DeRosa*
Frank Devorken*
Mary Devorken
Eleanor DiCorpo*
Cedric Ellis
Anna Famiglietti*
Richard Faro*
Jacqueline Farrell
Ann Merriam Feinberg
Michael Feinberg
William Finkelstein*
Selma G. Fleisher*
Deborah Foord
Brendan Foulois
Valerie Friedman
Helen Frisbie*
Deborah Fuller
Sarah Gager
Raymond Gamby*
Ronald Garfunkel
Helen Garvey*
Alan Gayhart
Phyllis Gebhardt*
Rosemary Giuliano
Lynn Gorman
Claire Goss*
Milton Greenblatt*
Jane Gsell
John Gsell
Janet Hansen
Nelson Hart*
Jane Wynn Hay*
Lynn Franklin-Henry
Charles Henry
Forest Herron
Patricia Herron*
George Hopkins, Jr.*
Jeanne Hughes*
Bruce Humiston
Nancy Humiston
Annamay Iorio*
Peter Jacoby
Susan Jefferson
Lucille Johnson*
Helen Johnston
Alfred Joyell
Everett Kaelber
Jamil Karsh*
Stephen Kenney*
Dennis Kowaleski
Augusta Kramer*
Betsy Krebs
Marie Kunkel*
Angela LaMoy*
Raymond LaMoy*
Gertrude Larson*
Herbert Larson*
Elaine Lau
Richard Lau
Margaret Laurencelle
Irene LaVigne
Marita Lawlor*
Harold Leever*
Ruth Ann Leever*
Carolyn Lieber
William Lieber
Margaret Llano*
Julie Loughran
Irene Luria*
Sidney Luria*
Anne Madden*
Betsy Manning
Ecton Manning
Ingrid Manning
Elsie Mannweiler*
Mark Margiotta*
Jeanette Matzkin*
Elizabeth McCormack
Wayne McCormack
Marie-Jeanne McDuff*
Josephine McMillen*
Russell McMillen*
Anne Melgers*
Cynthia Merrick
David Michaels
John Michaels
Shirley Michaels
Vivian Michaels
Georgianna Middlebrook*
James Miele*
Jocelyn Miller
John Miller
Daniel Millett*
Mary Millett*
Marcea Morgan
Maurice Mosley
Ruth Moss
Vita W. Muir
Dorothy Murnane*
Joann Narkis
Robert Narkis
Linda Nelson*
Mary Greene Nelson*
Linda Noujaim
Selim Noujaim
John Palesty
Christopher Parker
Molly Parker
Geraldine Pelegano
Frederick Perry*
Victor Persbacker*
Kyungsook Petrahai*
Susan Petruzzi*
Antonio Paulo Pinto
Lisa Powers
Camille R. Purrington
Dana Purrington
Barbara Quadrato*
Frank Quadrato*
Barbara J. Ranando*
Paul Reder
Edith Reynolds
Randolph Richardson
Dolores Riollano
Sarah Robin*
Vera Robin*
David Robinson
Ethel-Anne Roome
Marjorie Ross
Dorothy Rowland*
Ella Emery Rutledge*
Philip Samponaro
DeBare Saunders
Robert Sclafani
Andrew Shapiro
Chera Simpson
Justine Smith*
Catherine Sperry
Carol Spier*
Sylvia Sprecker*
John Staver*
Daniel Stowell
Lucinda Hunt-Stowell*
Lydia Straus-Edwards
Lydie Strobridge*
Clarice Sullivan
John Sullivan III*
Marian Svetlik Andrews*
Patricia Sweet
Adele Taylor*
Norman Taylor*
Marcia Tejeda
Donald J. Thompson
Alexander Thomson
Janet Thomson
Walter Torrance, Jr.*
Paula Van Ness
Fern Verriker*
J. David Veselsky
Stanford Warshasky*
Abby Wells
Edmund White
Leslie White*
Zemma White
N. Patricia Yarborough*

For more information, please contact:
Cynthia Merrick, Director of Development,
cmerrick@conncf.org | 203.753.1315, x112