Welcome, Donor Name

We hope this secure Donor Advisor Portal will help you to make the best use of your fund to support organizations working in our community on the issues you care about most.

Through the portal, you can access your fund statements and make grant recommendations.

By submitting grant recommendations through this portal, you confirm:

  • that no grant recommendation represents the fulfillment of a pledge or financial obligation for, or, a grant, loan, compensation, or similar payment to you, your family members, any advisor or family members of any advisor or other related parties;
  • that neither you, your family members, any advisor or family members of any advisor or other related parties will receive any personal benefit of more than token monetary value from these charitable distributions and that the full amount of the grant recommendation is eligible for a charitable deduction for income tax purposes; and
  • that no grant recommendation represents a grant to individuals including a grant to an entity for the benefit of a specific individual.

Donor Advised Fund Title

Grant Recommendation Form

  • Organization Name (required):
  • Location (City, State) (required):
  • Grant Amount (minimum $200) (required):
  • Purpose of Grant (optional):

(When button is clicked, a new “grant recommendation form” appears, in addition to the first one.)


Latest Fund Statements

  • PDF download
  • PDF download
  • PDF download

Another Donor Advised Fund Title

Grant Recommendation Form

  • Organization Name (required):
  • Location (City, State) (required):
  • Grant Amount (minimum $200 – no $ sign, no decimal) (required):
  • Purpose of Grant (optional):

(When button is clicked, a new “grant recommendation form” appears, in addition to the first one.)

Latest Fund Statements

  • PDF download
  • PDF download
  • PDF download
Cynthia Merrick

If you have any questions, please contact: Cynthia Merrick, Director of Development, cmerrick@conncf.org | 203.753.1315, x112