Communications Officer
203.753.1315 Ext. 107

Allan Vega

Allan, a native of Caracas, Venezuela, has lived a great part of his life in Hartford. Early on, Allan discovered a passion for helping others and strengthening the community. As a community organizer at the Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice, Allan organized community members around the closing of the Hartford landfill. Later, he worked at ESPN and in Spanish language media in Hartford. From there, he moved into the nonprofit arena with positions at AIDS CT and The Village for Families and Children. Most recently Allan has worked as the communications coordinator at the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness. Allan graduated from the University of Hartford with a BA in Communications.

Aside from his professional endeavors, Allan is a husband and a father of two children, Emma and Erik. In his free time, Allan enjoys playing competitive chess and has mentored youth at the YMCA around the game. He loves film and music and is an accomplished photographer, specializing in portrait, landscape, and street photography.


Favorite Experience in Greater Waterbury and the Litchfield Hills

The mixture of good food and conversation with my work colleagues at the Art of Yum in Waterbury, CT, makes me feel that Waterbury is a great place to work.


Ask Allan about

Books, photography, chess, and community resources.